OOTD: Distressed Tops on a Sunday

Ahhh yes another lazy yet comfy ootd for me on a Sunday

Anybody who knows me would really notice that I am fond of wearing oversized tops over fitted bottoms such as this pair of leggings

The top that I wore was something that I bought before I graduated college 5 years ago at a local mall which only costs Php 199. It has a distressed style on the upper arm area which made me attracted to it.

loving the style of this top

WOTD: watch of the day - to match my slippers

slipper detail (tiger face) I have noticed this to be popular in fashion since last year


excuse my dog making a stretch while mommy does a pose

I don't have any idea what the word on my top means "TOFRESH" but this top is just one of my faves.

I need more tops like this that have a unique design and something that I could just wear without having second thoughts. It's not that I don't like dressing up that 's why I go for "lazy" ootds but because I think clothes like this are still chic and stylish without really trying too hard. And that's what I go for.





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