How to kill a cockroach

I know a lot of you are with me on this... but I really, strongly HATE cockroaches. Ugh, the thought about them just really gives me goosebumps and make me soooo angry!

I hated cockroaches since I was a kid. These creatures are everywhere! Even if you think you have cleaned your house so well to tip top shape and have it all sparkly, well sorry to disappoint you but they still exist even in the cleanest of places. They breed so fast and so many that they could even rule the world with their population! Okay, now that's me being all silly about this conspiracy theory. Back to the topic.

Anyway, I discovered this method when my sister did this. Between me and her, she was the type who was not at all scared of cockroaches. When she sees one, she even had the guts to just step on it. And just wash her feet afterwards. I couldn't even bare looking at one! So there was this one time when she saw a cockroach at our kitchen, I ran immediately to go on top of a chair, while she went to her room, got an alcohol and splashed it on the cockroach. It died after a few seconds while basking on the alcohol.

So I tried this method when I saw a cockroach on my room. I had it on video so here's what happened - in the video, the effect of the alcohol on the cockroach was strongly visible.

See? That's why I keep a stock full of this on my cabinet. Hahahahaha. JUST IN CASE!!!!!

So if you hate cockroaches as much as I do, go to your nearest grocery store and buy this... lots of it!

Not only does it sanitize but it protects ;) *wink wink*





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