Shopping Haul from NCCC Department Store

Before going home today, I dropped by at NCCC located at corner McArthur and Maa Highway to look at a few stuff. I ended up buying 5 items during that visit. Hahahaha.

There was no intention, at all, for me to shop considering that I shopped a lot during my trip to Bangkok last September. But I just couldn't resist the low prices that these babies had.

Here are the stuff that I bought

Tribal Flats

Owl Flats. I just had to! I am in love with anything that has an owl on it. HOOOT!

Jeans. Hurray for a new pair. The last time I bought myself a pair of jeans was last year.

Checkered Hoodie for my lazy to dress up days.

Nice Hoodie

And all these for only 1200 pesos -  an average of 240 pesos per item. Not bad. 

I actually was eyeing on a top too. But I forgot to put it inside my basket. I'll come back for it maybe tomorrow. I hope it is still there. Hahahaha..





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